Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Ground growing and planting...

I currently have no garden, which is tricky as an avid Bonsaista and blogger of things related to horticulture. I left that behind when I left my joyless control-freak of an ex-partner.


However, I soon came to realise that I couldn't really survive without a garden; living in a flat without one wasn't helping... so I applied for an allotment. A place of quiet contemplation, hard work and personal endeavour, sprinkled with the joy of actually growing stuff.

The waiting lists are quite something in the Stevenage area but I felt that in order to get a 5 year headstart on buying a new place, I could work an allotment for that period and get some material in the ground. By the time I buy a new place I should have some half decent material to take with me.

I also quite fancy planting and growing my own vegetables. So rather that litter my bonsai blog with tales of Legumes and Brassicas, I started my very own allotment blog. You can find it here;

A Seedy Plot

I won't ruin the plot(hur hur) line, but I will say that there will be some cross contamination betweenblogs, as I intend to start some Blaaw Juniper, and Japanese White / Japanese Black Pine material from fairly early stage and see if I can whip up some decent  material with my new found space.

I will of course be developing any new material I come across in the meantime, so expect updates from both or either blog to this regard. I will try and keep this blog purely bonsai related, but might steer you over to the other one now and again where technique and results are worth noting.

I hope you enjoy reading both.

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